JULY 7, 1918 ALTON. EVENING TELEGRAPH PAGE FIVE Albert Jones, East Alton Pioneer, Passes Birthday BAST ALTON, July 6. Albert Jones: of Church street quietly. observed seventy- fourth day Monday. Owing to the con-, of the Health of Mrs.
Jones A celebration planned had to be foregone. Born In Staffordatite, England, Jones came to. East Alton 63 years with his parents, Jesse and: Mary Jones, early settlers. Jones and his family were among the founders of the First Baptist Church here. He is one of the few living charter members.
The 'femily was one of a few who began worship in the old log schoolhouse which stood in the yard of Washington school, which was, used as "meeting house" and school by the entire community at that time, When the village was incorporated Jones was one of the early members of the village board servIng as village trustee for. five years. Frank Telpel who served as mayor, Fred Kaufmann and- David Tomiison, who served on the board and Jack Lawrence, who was then employed as village marshall have died. Jones being the only survivor of the group. During his more than 50 years connection with the First Baptist Church he has been an officer of the church He has been among those erecting three" church The first, a 'small frame "building, was ereoted 50 years ago on Church street, later.
to be replaced by a better building. Twelve years ago A $10,000 brick church was erected on Bowman avenue. One of the most gratifying things In his long and active life, as recalled Monday, was the splendid condition of the church, which he had assisted Its: infancy. He has served as a Sunday school teacher in. the church for more than 50 years, always instructing class of hoys.
He still engages in his work and is regular in attendance. On Nov. 7, 7,:1886 -he was married to Miss. Mary: Ferguson, who was a member of one of the pioneer familles. They have always id here.
Their only child, Capt. Ern it Jones of United States Arn.y, is stationed at Honolulu. Mr. and weeks. with her sister, Mrs.
O. E. Ballard. Mrs. Anna Hubbard left Friday for Chicago -to spend 8 few days at the home of her, brother and sister-in-aw, Mr.
and Mrs. Ward Eldred. Miss Joanne Valentine -and Joe Powell spent Sunday at Bartholomew Beach, Kampsville, Mrs. Margaret and daughter, Doris, and Mac Carmody of Chicago were guests Saturday and Sunday at the home of Mrs. Mary HIll, Mr.
and Mrs. Robert Carmody and family and Mrs. Anna Carmody of at Decatur were: guests the home: of Mr. and Mrs. remained Joseph Mrs.
Carmody for a longer visit. Mr. and Mrs. Kennedy and children of Chicago called. Sunday at the home.
of Mrs. Minnie MeDonough: Miss Catherine Jouett, Miss Laverne Gustine, Eliramie. McAdams and Glenn spent Sunday evening in Alton. George. and Leonard Carmody of St.
Louis were guests July 4 of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Tim Carmody. Louis Miss Charlotte Bowle of St. spent the end here at the home of her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Bennett Bowle. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Williams and daughter, Bobby Ann, Anna Mae Carter, Mr.
and Mrs. Maurice Varble and Miss Emma Williams union Sunday Rockbridge the attended the Williams family, rehome of Mr. and Mrs. John Willlams. Miss Mary Smith and Miss Wanda Balchom of Jerseyville were weekend guests at the home of the former's parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Hal Smith. Mr. and Mrs. F.
Ford and daughter, Nita, spent Sunday In Alsey. Benny Wetzel of Los Angeles, arrived here Saturday home from Detrolt, and until Tuesday at the 'home of his great aunt, Mrs. Carrie Elmore. He WAs accompanied on his return trip by Olaude Shackelford of Los Angeles, who spent the last two weeks here with his parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Frank Shackelford. Mr. and Mrs. Leo Roman of sit. Louis were guests July 4 of Mr.
Mra. Phil Mann. Week-end guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Brogen were their daughters and husbands, Mr.
and Mrs. Harry Waldeau and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Daech of St. Louts.
County Olerk Guy Bridgewater issued a marriage license 'July 4 to A. Willard, of Decatur, and Miss' Mary 31, Warrensburg. Put the Roses in Your Cheeks. Julys EPSOM SALTS TABLETS Pale And sallow looking? Well, you needn't be any longer. Purify your system.
Oleanse yourself tornally and the rich, red purified blood will flood your cheeks with color. Just take a few doses of Luly's Epsom Salts Tablets. There's no bitter taste nor nausea Vaing Luly's is the sate. method to overpome constipation. 25 tablets for 20 cents at either of Luly's Drug Stores Adv 4 Blade Electric Fan $1.59 Value .19 COLD Others WAVE up to $29.95 Eight Inch, non radio interferIng.
Black enamel finish. to $1.59 fans elsewhere! SEARS, ROEBUCK AND CO. ALTON, ILLINOIS North Alton News Gleaners to Have dating Gleaners of the Elm street Pres. byterian Church will meat. with their president, Mrs.
Les on Brighton Road, The women will leave the Elm Street Church at 10 o'clock, and at noon pot luck luncheon will be serveda PTA Social at Melville Parent-Teacher Association ot Olilton HIll School will give a social tomorrow night, and serving will begin at 8:30 o'clock. The social will be given on the school grounds; on the Alton-Jerseyville road, at Melville. Carnation Camp to Meet Carnation Camp, Royal Neighbors of America, will. meet: Wednesday evening at 7:30 o'clock, at. the D.
of. U. V. Hall on State street. Social at Elm St.
An ice cream social will be given on the lawn of the Elm Street Presbyterian Church by. the Elm Street choir Wednesday evening at o'clock. Members of the choir are asked to meet at the church at 3. o'clock and complete plans for the social. Summoned To- Michigan.
Mrs. Ralph' Lawrence: of AltonJerseyville road and her brother, Donald Zirn, have been summoned to Blissfield, because of the condition of their father, Eric. Zir, who was injured in an accident the latter pert of last Zira fell from 8 truck, fracturing his skull. He was In an unconscious condition, according to word received here by relatiyes. Heavy Toll On Wild Life Fourth of July coming at the week-end added an extra toll to wild life.
Routes 67 and 111. were strewn with dead rabbits and. 'possum, haying been run over and killed by drivers of automobiles and trucks. Chickens were -also strewn along both highways, according to drivers who passed over the highways Monday, morning. It is said by those interested, that more wild animals especially at night, on highways, than during the open: season on wild life.
There appears to be little, if any, solution to prevent such destruction. However, some. careful drivers have stopped their machines at night, thus preventing the running over and killing of animals caught crossing highways and side roads. The bright lights of machines hypnotize animals, it L8 said, those who are familiar with conditons. "I have never seen a dead guinea on any highway," remarked an automobile Monday, dis- Greenville Mr.
and Mr. Mayheld. Mr. And Marion Brown and Mr. and Mrs.
Cyril aperit the In. the 8am MoDonaid and Miss Adele and Miss visited Mr. and Mrs. R. N.
File In Bethalto Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Wittier and children, and Orville: Foater spent the week at. Mrs.
Mary Ellen Miter and daugh ter of Alton were dinner guests Sunday of Mr. and MrB. Fred Warner. Clarence Quitten and Mrs. Elmer Apple visited Mrs.
Quilled at Barnes Hospital, Louts, Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrs. A. Mayfleld, Mr.
and Mrs. Rudy Ford and chil. dren nad Miss Tune Boheffel of Delhi, spent Saturday st Marquette Park. Mr. and Mrs.
Elvis Wilson have moved from Shamrock street. to Roxana. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Monahan have moved from Roxana to Broadway.
The Rev. and Mra. O. L. Lamp and son visited St.
Lous Saturday. Dr. E. Ferrell of Eidorado is visiting his brother, Charles Ferrell. Another brother the Rev, A A.
Ferrell of Equality was a week-end guest at the Charles Ferrell home. Miss Frieda Dittmore is convalescing after undergoing an operation for the removal of her tonalls at Barnes Hospital, 8t. Louts, last week. Mr. and Mrs.
Frank Addison and son, LeRoy, of Centralla, were weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. George Weber, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Cooper visited relatives at Hettick over the week-end.
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Jones visited Mrs. Jones' sisters, the Misses Alice and Anna Ferguson and their brother, Edward, at Fosterburg, Friday. Mr.
and Mrs. William Jones, Mr. and Mrs. John Jones. and son, Billy, of Kansas City spent the' week-end visiting Mr.
and Mrs. Albert Jones and other relatives. Miss Floice Rose, Miss Ruby Lenard, Edward Bauer and Leland Lenard spent Sunday St. Louts. Eleanore, 8, daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. R. Johnston of Shamrock street, has been ill since Friwas taken to: St. Joseph's pital. in Alton Sunday for treatment.
Joyce Ann, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Plerce, who has been a patient at the Children's hospital, St. Louis, has been removed to her home. As the result of' safety campaign, hundreds of Salt Lake City.
motorists have placed metal tags on their cars reading: "Count on' Me to Prevent: Accidents." cussing 'the problem, "and I have done a lot of traveling, too." Thought He Had Hives Doctoring for a week for a malady thought to have been hives, and getting no rellef, Judson Hunt of 2600. State street finally consulted a physician. "Why, 'you've got chiggres," was the doctor's reply, after giving "Jud" the once -over. Hunt now has the chiggres under control, but he suffeted a week before finding out his trouble. He is somewhat in a weakened: condition, result of taking the: wrong medicine, but says he will ADon be s8 good as new.
Back In Hospital Clifford Warren of Alton- Jerseyville road has again been moved to St. Joseph's Hospital, where he will undergo treatment for a mashed foot, suffered. some time Ago at an Industrial plant where he us ployedi Peranolas Mr. and Mrs. John Petri and famIly have returned to.
Granite City after a week- visit at the home of Mrs. Sereptay Spless, 2346 State street, Mrs. Petri 1a A granddaughter of Mrs. Spless, Lydia Stemm and Lynn Shannon of West Nineteenth atreet have returned from B- several days visit with friends 'In Louisville, Ky, William Gieberich, 234 West Delmar avenue, accompanied Mont Horn, both employed 'at they North Side A. P.
store on State street; have returned after week-end it, 1. CHiegerich visiting his mother, Mrs. I. M. Giegerich, and Horn his relatives In Canton, Mo.
Giegerich remained for a further stay with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. E. White, in Loraine, Ill.
Clyde Shannon of Chicago has returned after a with his brother, Mr. and Mrs. Rex Shannon, State street and Hawley avenue, William Burnam of Chouteau avenue is suffering from a boil on the back of his neck. He says he now knows why Job, that Biblical character, is recognized as a man of suffering and patience. Mr.
and Mrs. Edward Picard have. returned to St. Louis after a visit with his sister, Miss Emma Brown, of West Delmar avenue. To keep district magistrates upto-date in administrative methods, the Chinese government brings these minor officials to Nanking once a year for a course in the magistrates' training school.
Read Telegraph Want 'Ads Daily BI HAI Shop and Save At SEARS On Gasoline Oil RANGES GOLDEN' JUBILEE Sensational Values at Sears Low Prices 5-Burner $29.95 OIL RANGE Has Real Duplex Top Low At Sears Priced $23.95 TRULY amazing to think of getting a smart cabinet style oil range at this extremely low price! Stippled green enamel contrasted with black Japan. Five high speed 4- inch burners. Quick heating oven with heat Down ature indicator. A full size, economical range that. $4 a Month (Plus Carrying offers modern conveniences at real savings! Charge) Good Looking and Handsome Designs Well Constructed Legless Base TABLE TOP Gas Range Autogas Range $29.95 $22.95 Del.
Also Sola On Easy. Also Sold Op Easy 3 Payments Payments NIVES you plenty at space to work on -and IVORY porcelain enamel front, contrasted by 4 -cu. ft. storage compartment below. Fin- blaok marbelized top and black Japanned lahed in ivory enamel with brown and ivory burners; automatic flash lighter; and inlacquer trim.
Half-gallon concealed oil tank. sides. New funnel cooking top; round You'll cast find Iron It Pull-out drip pan. Chrome ated generator sulation in oven top and door. tube.
Underwriters' approved. a -value in every Inch! Stove You Want at Sears Has the SEARS. ROEBUCK The Price You're AND CO. Willing to Pay 309 PIASA PHONE 630. PAINT THE YOUR THE HOME STREET.
HOUSE PAINT DRESSED JUBILEE GOLDEN derco SEARS Paint REDUCED MASTER MIXED (HOUSE PAINT) THE highest quality, lowest-cost-perfords greater beauty! For painting per- GAL. surface year paint in better! America! Lasts Covers longer! more Af- $2 .59 fection, buy Seroco! In 5-Gal. Lots 4-HOUR ENAMEL $1 Quart $2.29 Super Service $2.89 Serotone Satin Flat Finish $1.98 Finish Wall $2.79 Gal. GaL $2.98 Super Service $4.50 Super Service Floor $2.85 Floor Varnish $4.25 Gal. Gal.
for Limited Time Pure GALLON Cum Turpentine in your 59cl Pure Linseed GALLON Raw Oil in 85cl Brand New. 1936 Wallpaper COMPLETE assortment of as low as rooms. Buy your wall panewest patterns for all 5c per at Sears and 'sayel Single Roll Sears, Roebuck and Co. 309 PIASA ALTON, ILL. PRE NOW in SEARS SALE PROGRESS Bargains Galore Every Department Participating in This Event GRAPTON, July 1-(Special) Grafton friends have received word of the death of Frances Plank of Pulaski, Ia.
The young. man, 24 years old, was a former resident of Grafton, the son of Mr. and Mrs. J. F.
Plank. 'Gratton Notes GRAPTON-Mr. and Mrs. Stanley. Wilton of Alton spent Sunday with Mr.
and Mrs. William Orane. Jim Brown of Alton visited over the -end with Mrs. Mattle Brown. Curtis Freeman of Rosedale, Are spending this week friends here.
Mr. and Mrs. Milo June and daughter and Mrs. Nelle Fortine of 8t, Louis spent Saturday and Sunday at the Baker home. Mr.
and rMs. Clarence Dille of Alton visited Sunday at the home of. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Plummer.
Mrs. Charles Russell spent Friday in. Alton. Mr; and Mrs. Albert Journey of Greenfield visited Sunday with Mr.
and Mrs. Earl Pittenger, Mr. and Mrs. Louis Kochendorfer of Springfield guests of Mr. and Mrs.
C. P. Downey, Mr: and Mrs. Ernest Slaten are parents of a son born July 4. Harry Dunlope of Memphis.
1s: visiting at the home of his father, William Dunlope, sr. Mr. and Mrs. J. Helbig of Webster Groves, visited over the Fourth with relatives here, Li.
P. Warmer of La Grange, spent the week-end here. Mr. and. Mrs.
Charles Keller Former Grafton Boy Dies at Iowa Home Three Fireworks Blazes Over 4th' At Carrollton Firecrackers Trees Ignite Porch, Grass and No Damage cial.) The CARROLLTON, department July three fires out and Sunday. All the were first caused call by was Saturday noon urday fireworks, The home of Silas- 'Sanderson 10 the porch had been ignited whose firecracker, possibly thrown by on a the porch 8 passerby. The second when the grass in the 'Y, call was Baturday evening of ground which was donated the plot to the American Legion city by the late Beverly, and the Hodges, caught: fire as the: re-: C. of A Roman candle, sult The third call was Sunday morning at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
6 o'clock when they were called to Talley to extinguish the blaze J. W. the bottom of a tree, presumably at caused by firecrackers. Boy Honored Whiteman and Scouts, recelved the lite scout David Burruss of the local Boy award at the open a house of Camp Warren Levis near Alton Sunday jr, alternoon. 8 first class badge.
and Thomas Carmody: Caselton recelved second received Paul badge at the same time. class from here who attended the house were: Mr. and Mrs. open Thomas Carmody and daughter, Miss Doris Olezia; Dr. and Mrs, Miss Fred Dorothy Ann; Miss Margaret SimWalter and daughter, onds, Miss Eustacia Ruyle, Mrs.
Mrs. P. A. Charlotte Burriss, Neil: Simonds, Daum and son, Phillip; Whiteman, A. Schwallenstecker Eugene and son, Edu in; Elon Pleroe and Paul Caselton.
Birthday Dinner CARROLLTON. -Mr, and Mrs. Rual Jouett entertained at. a birthday dinner at their home. Sunday for their daughter, Miss Catherine Jouett and her uncle, Earl Postlewaite.
Guests were Mr. and R. I. Barton and son of Springfield; Mr. and Mrs.
Earl Postlewaite and and Mrs. Kenneth Byland and son. To Take School Census CARROLLTON. Mrs. Charlotte Burruss has accepted a position as school census taker for the Carrollton school district.
'A record 18 required by the state of children or young people under 21 years of age. Week-End Births babies were born during the last week-end in and near Carrollton. A daughter was born to Mr. and Mrs. Olement Meyer the morning of the Fourth in Our Saviour's Hospital in Jacksonville.
Mrs. Abel Hansen are the parents of a daughter' born Sunday. Hansen is of Carrollton schools. A. son was born to Mr.
and Mrs. Earl Huff. Picnio Supper. a CARROLLTON -Fourteen friends of Miss Eustacia Ruyle. enjoyed a picnic supper Saturday evening in the rock garden at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. Arthur Ruyle. Following supper the young folk attended, a show in White Hall. W. W.
G. Group Meets organization meeting of the W. W. of the Baptist church was held Monday evenlug at the home of the newlyelected president, Miss Anna Mae Carter. Pollyanna Class to Meet of the Pollyanna class of the Baptist Sunday school will have their monthly class meeting Wednesday afternoon in the city park.
In case of rain the women will meet at the home of Mrs. Lily Vandersand. Carrollton Notes and Mrs. H. L.
Nelson, Mr. and Mrs. Barth Bauer and son, a Mr. and Mrs. B.
0. Coultas of Jerseyville, L. R. Perrine of Pawnee, and Miss Bea Guthrie of this city spent the weekend at Lake Shore club near Bluffs. Mr.
and Mrs. Harold Brennan and children of St. Louis were weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. M.
Brennan. Mr. and Mrs. Irwin Hutchens and 500 spent Sunday in. Kane with Mr.
and Mrs. Roy Valentine: Farm Advisor and Mrs. George left Hunt and daughter, Patricia Ann, cation Tuesday trip. on a two-week VAMr. and Mrs.
Earl Lorton the week-end near White Hall spent the home of their at daughter, Mr. and son-In-law Fitz- and Jarrell. day Charles Neal returned home SunFourth Decatur where he spent from of July. home Miss Martha returned she Friday from St. Louis where Mrs.
spent Anna 12 days with mother, tient in St. John's Hospital. is a paPranger, who Mr. daughter, and Mrs. Robert Osborne and guests of Mrs.
were Patsy, weekMr. and Mrs. Earl Osborne's parents, Hillvlew. Hubbard near Mr. and Mrs.
Saturday Willis Boston left week visiting for Chicago to spend Miss Lena Keyes relatives. Dunsworth over the visited friends in Springand. Olement Miss Jeanne week Luton -end, Marilyn Meek, who spent and the Miss last Alton, weeks returned at Camp Talahl near Miss Lillian Doerr home Monday, 8 guest over the of Alton was nome of Mr. and Mrs. week -end at the Pal O'Shea Homer day from Iola, returned where home Sun-.
the Fourth with his he spent nosha, Euert went to KeJohn mother. Friday to spend a tow Mrs. Jones plan to celebrate their golden wedding this fall He is the only one of the family still living here. The parents and brother, John, who conducted grocery store here. for 35 years are dead.
Thomas, the elder son, resides at Birmingham, Ala. Willam at. Kansas Olty, and Jesse In Upper Alton. The only daughter, Mri. Esther Copestake, lives in England.
Many years ago Jones lost his left hand in trying to save a fellow worker from death in a machine at the plant of the Stoneware Pipe Co. His handicap never seemed to be any disadvantage to him or Interfere with his activities. He worked at the Stoneware Pipe from the time he came here until retiring a few years ago. Three 4 Births EAST ALTON- and Mra. Farmer Goulding avenue are the parents of a son, born at 9 p.
July The baby, the couple's third child, weighed nine pounds. The baby 18 one of three born here July 4.. Stricken on Outing EAST ALTON-Mrs, Ben Lenard of Kingshighway was stricken with an attack of appendicitis at Chain of Rocks Perk, St. Louts, where she had gone with her family and other relatives for an all-day outing Saturday. She was brought to' her home, where she: was treated by a physician.
Her mother, Mrs. Scott. Renfro of Brighton, who was one of the group remained here to care for her. Entertains on Birthday EAST Mrs. William Kiel entertained Friday afternoon at her home on Bowman avenue, observance of her birthday.
luncheon was served at 1.0 o'clock, after which the guests. played bridge. Those receiving prizes were Mrs. Maggie Dillon, Mrs. Adeline Percival and: Mrs.
Nellie Paul. The guests in: addition: to the prize winners were Mrs. Howard Gibson and Mrs. Walter Maguire of Wood River; Mrs. Fred Heskett, Mrs.
Edward Oleson, Mrs. Oscar Weindell of Alton, and Mrs. Lulu Barnett of Narco, La, East Alton Notes EAST and Mrs. Wilbur Thompson, Mr. and Mrs.
Jack Johnson and their guests, Mr. and Earl VanPreter and daughter of Gary, visited relatives at Johnston City over the week-end. Mrs. George Harper of Wilmington, is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Frank '8. Smith. Dr. Newton Patterson and daughter, Mrs. Edith Wesegarver of St.
Louis were guests of Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Smith, Ralph Crull has returned to Davenport, after a week's visit with his parents, Mr.
and Mrs. D. E. Crull. Mrs.
Wilbur: Thompson will entertain the Gleaners class of the Methodist church Friday evening at her home on Bowman avenue. Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Brummer entertained Mr. and Mrs.
Albert Weaver and daughter. of Frankfort, during the weekMr. and Mrs. Brummer and son and their guests visited. Mrs.
Brummer's parents. at Sorrento Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Ethard Ladd of Davenport, are visiting Ladd's mother, Mrs.
Mae Ladd, of Pence avenue. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Bance spent the week visiting relatives at Glen Allen, Mo. Mr.
and Mrs. Forrest. Adams have returned to Indianapolis, after visit with Mr. and Mrs. Lester Crull.
Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Breeding have moved to Peorla. Mr. and Mra.
William Kiel attended 8 reunion of Mrs. Kiel's relatives in Springfleld Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Emery Higgins and family of Shelbyville, and Mr.
and Mrs. M. B. Kirkham and son of -SALE OFWHITE SHOES We bare reduced the price of ill our WHITE SHOES 1o minimum. SEE OUR SELECTION PEDRO'S 116 MAIN ST.
EAST ALTON She Certainly Looks Smarter! The face is the same. And the clothes. But she has new glasses. Today's glasses have lenses shaped to suit the face, beautifully mounted in fine gold engraved and fleshtinted, They are designed to bring out the good features of a face and to counteract the poor. They have a jewel-like quality.
We would be happy to show you how becoming glasses can be, There la no obligation to buy. PHONES TIE WEDGE BUNT 619 E. BROADWAY, ALTON, spent the weak and MO. Mrs. A I.
Cargill de recovering surgical operation at BE Joseph Hospital at Alton. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Laughlin spent the week-end in Springfield. Mrs.
H. O. Miller has been 111. at her home for the last few days. and Mrs.
Paul Arnold were Alton visitors Friday, Mrs. Mary Amburg spent the past week in St. Louis visiting her daughter. $1183 Allowed Against Estate of Ephriam Green EDWARDSVILLE, July '7, (Speclal)-Olaims totaling $1183.72 against the estate of Ephriam Green, who died at Alton on March 11, were allowed In court yesterday by Judge O. W.
Burton. Alta M. Wright 1s executrix for the estate. IN. S.